Brewing Glossary
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Beer's largest component. The flavor of the beer can be affected by the source of the water used to make the beer. In the brewing industry water is known as liquor.
  1. honcho
  2. slang for anus
Term applied to German wheat ales of the Bavarian, or Suddeutsch, style.
German word meaning "white," applied to the tart wheat beers of the Berliner style.
German word for "wheat." Synonymous with weiss.
Device used to separate hops and trub from wort after boiling. Wort is stirred in a circular motion and collects in the center of the whirlpool. Clear wort is drained from the edge.
wind malt
A type of very pale malt dried in the sun or by exposure to the air, without kilning. Used in witbier.
Belgian word for "white," a type of wheat beer brewed in the north, around Louvain. Often spiced with coriander and Curacao.
The sweet sugar solution obtained by mashing the malt (sweet wort); the hopped sugar solution before pitching (bitter wort).
wort chiller
Heat exchanger used to rapidly cool wort from near boiling to pitching temperature.

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